Installing Exo

Standalone Installer

To install to ~/.exo with no other system changes, run:

curl -sL | bash

Homebrew (MacOS or Linux)

brew tap deref/tap
brew install exo

See Deref's Homebrew tap for the package source.

Linux Packages

Linux packages are available for Debian, Alpine, RPM and Homebrew, as well as in a binary format: Latest Release Artifacts.


Download the latest .deb file from the release link above and run the following command:

sudo apt install ./exo_VERSION_linux_ARCH.deb

Note: the file path must be specified either as an absolute path or with a leading ./.


Download the latest .apk file from the release link above and run the following command:

apk add --allow-untrusted ./exo_VERSION_linux_ARCH.apk


Download the latest .rpm file from the release link above and run the following command:

sudo rpm -i ./exo_VERSION_linux_ARCH.rpm

Manual Installation

Download the latest exo_standalone_VERSION_OS_ARCH.tar.gz file from the latest release and extract the contents:

tar -zxf exo_standalone_VERSION_OS_ARCH.tar.gz

Move the exo binary to an appropriate directory:

mkdir -p ~/.exo/bin && mv ./exo ~/.exo/bin

Add that directory to your shell's PATH:

export PATH="$HOME/.exo/bin:$PATH"

You will need to do this in your shell configuration (e.g. .bashrc/.zshrc) if you wish this to persist.

Shell Completions

Shell completion support is available for bash, zsh, fish, and powershell. For installation instructions, run exo completion --help.

Last updated