Quick Start


The easiest way to install exo is to run the following command:

curl -sL https://exo.deref.io/install | bash

For alternative installation methods, see Installing exo.

Create a Workspace

In your terminal, navigate to your project's root directory and initialize it:

exo init

If this directory is empty or otherwise does not contain an exo manifest, one will be created for you. Otherwise, the existing manifest will be imported automatically.

Migrate to Exo

Is your project is already using Procfiles or Docker Compose?

If so, Exo is compatible with your existing configuration!

The initialization process from the previous step will automatically import compatible configuration and launch the specified processes, containers, and other components in the background. You can proceed to the next step.

Alternatively, to use exo as a drop-in replacement for foreman or docker-compose up, simply run:

exo run

The run command starts all of the components in the project and tails their logs. A run can be stopped with the standard ^c terminal interrupt sequence.

Using Exo

Exo supports both command line and graphical interfaces for most options. Development logs can be viewed either in the terminal or in your browser, whatever your preference:

# Launch GUI in browser.
exo gui

# Tail logs in terminal
exo logs

Cleaning Up

When you're ready to work on something else, you may wish to shutdown all processes in your workspace:

exo stop

Or if you're done with this project forever, you can completely eliminate the exo state:

exo workspace destroy

Note that this will not affect your code files on disk.

Next Steps

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